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Public Videos // ZellevTV
Videos 1-7 of 7
Die Ärzte:
Added: September 14, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 04:11 | Views: 146 | Comments: 1
an little tutorial at the end! - Downloadable @ my website:
Tags // Sims2 : TheSims : TS2 : TheSims2 : ZellevTV :
Added: August 26, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 01:19 | Views: 328 | Comments: 1
i saw an YouTube video about it, i will do it in short: this icon is actually trying to access an other Expanison called "Free Time", if you don't have it. this could happend! (it can happend if something is in the way, an invisible object basically. it can also happend on the Computer with chatting other people!)
Tags // Sims2 : TheSims : TS2 : TheSims2 : ZellevTV :
Added: August 22, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 00:12 | Views: 325 | Comments: 0
i was just talking with my other sim, and the sim laugh like this.. wtf?
Tags // Sims2 : TheSims : TS2 : Thesims2 : ZellevTV :
Added: August 21, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 00:06 | Views: 330 | Comments: 2
Note: IdioticSniper appoved that i am allowed to upload the Bonus CD from Sims 2.
Tags // Sims2 : Sims : Thesims : Sims2Bonus : Bonus : CD :
Added: August 18, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 01:17 | Views: 386 | Comments: 1
Bela B. singt ein kleines lied! es ist "Die Ärzte - Westerland (To The Max)" von dem album "Das Beste Von Kurz Nach Früher Bis Jetze" ;P
Tags // BelaB : : DieÄrzte : DieArzte : DieAerzte : German :
Added: August 15, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 00:15 | Views: 285 | Comments: 1
its just me playing Crash Bandicoot. lol
Tags // CrashBandicoot : ZellevTV : PS1 :
Added: August 13, 2024 by ZellevTV
Runtime: 02:45 | Views: 279 | Comments: 1
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