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Public Videos // maimai
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Hello, I've decided to make a sequel on my popular maimai video that got featured on the home screen. So here it is! I also met some good pros at maimai including a guy who goes by "water" online.
Tags // maimai : deluxe : dx : sega : puente : hills : mall : phm : round1 : r1 : arcade : rhythm : game :
Added: June 03, 2024 by maimai
Runtime: 01:33 | Views: 1148 | Comments: 2
Derakuma can fit into those cabinets just fine..
Tags // maimai : ran : dori : らん : どりー :
Added: May 30, 2024 by maimai
Runtime: 00:30 | Views: 684 | Comments: 1
Maimai DX has been technical testing in Puente Hills Mall, so I took some footage of the arcade machines while I was there and here it is. I hope maimai does well here.
Tags // maimai : sega : rhythm : game :
Added: May 30, 2024 by maimai
Runtime: 01:22 | Views: 988 | Comments: 3
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