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Public Videos // rezixtXP
Videos 1-5 of 5
If you hold down let click, you can fuck with the video player and give it a seizure.
Tags // Video, : Player, : Bug :
Added: August 24, 2024 by rezixtXP
Runtime: 00:59 | Views: 329 | Comments: 2
kinda rushed this video out, so it's sucks, but might as well upload it here and on the beta site anyway :D (i'm gonna use wmm next time vegas is a pain in the ass).
Tags // check : mii : out : channel : but : vegas : got : drunk : so : it : sucks :
Added: August 14, 2024 by rezixtXP
Runtime: 04:56 | Views: 316 | Comments: 0
test with kega fusion's video codec
Tags // knuckles, : sonic : 2, : lock-on :
Added: August 08, 2024 by rezixtXP
Runtime: 01:17 | Views: 383 | Comments: 0
Assets used in the production of the show from seasons 1-8, found in the data from the VHS of the sponge who could fly
Tags // SB : Production : Assets :
Added: May 12, 2024 by rezixtXP
Runtime: 01:41 | Views: 798 | Comments: 2
playing infinite craft because I'm bored out of my ass.
Tags // raw : meat : food : poisoning : wtf :
Added: May 08, 2024 by rezixtXP
Runtime: 03:58 | Views: 847 | Comments: 0
Feed For User // rezixtXP
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» mii
» out
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» got
» so
» it
» 2,
» SB
» raw
» meat
» food
» wtf
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