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I used flash to make this
Tags // Shapes, : Pentagon :
Added: September 19, 2024 by UGCC323
Views: 28 | Comments: 0
idk how i think this looks nice
Tags // happy : rave : animation :
Added: September 18, 2024 by ripchriston1001
Views: 95 | Comments: 0
the reason the first part of the game is me struggling is because it's my first time playing it, but it was released in june so it's forgivable
Added: September 16, 2024 by superjohnpie
Views: 189 | Comments: 0
hi i'm new to this platform! :D
Tags // introduction : windows : xp : hypercam :
Added: September 15, 2024 by superjohnpie
Views: 137 | Comments: 3
Season 1, Episode 2Tumblr:
Added: September 15, 2024 by Clonelocker
Views: 100 | Comments: 2
Got bored and made a tutorial, its not much but it shows how to install picure package and connect camera via usb.
Added: September 15, 2024 by d3ntage
Views: 165 | Comments: 0
Season 1, Episode 1I was a little lazy so I decided not to film the external display portion. Enjoy!Tumblr: Reddit:
Added: September 14, 2024 by Clonelocker
Views: 120 | Comments: 0
thing i made within a hour lel
Tags // animation : meme : 90s :
Added: September 14, 2024 by ripchriston1001
Views: 191 | Comments: 0
song i did only using roblox samples. yeah
Tags // impulse : tracker : music : song : mod : it : s3m :
Added: September 14, 2024 by jackipecac
Views: 275 | Comments: 0
this took longer than i thought tbh
Tags // dota : animation : meme :
Added: September 11, 2024 by ripchriston1001
Views: 261 | Comments: 0
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