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How to link to a single Tubelious video
Go to the video that you want to share, and look for the share details section under the video player. There you will see 2 options.

Option 1: Video URL (Permalink)

This URL points directly to the Tubelious page that plays the video.
Copy and paste this URL into an E-mail and send it to your friends.

Option 2: Embeddable Player
Copy and paste this HTML snippet into your website to insert the video player directly into your page. This way visitors will be able to play the video without leaving your site. You may alter the size of the video (by changing the width or height). Example below:

Tip: Put Tubelious videos on      

Rollover the highlighted site names below for instructions on how to insert your video into:



How do I link to a list of Tubelious videos?
Want to show off more than one of your own Tubelious videos, or specifically tagged videos, on your website? Below are a few options!

Option 1: Displaying a window of your own Tubelious videos

By placing a small snippet of HTML code in your webpage, you can pull up a list of all your Tubelious videos in a neat, little window. Take a look at the example below; on the left is the HTML snippet that you would copy+paste into your webpage. Remember to replace the part of the code that says "YOUR_USERNAME" with your Tubelious username. As a result, a small box with your videos will be rendered as shown on the right.

Option 2: Displaying a window of specifically tagged videos

You can even put an HTML snippet on your website that automatically pulls up the latest videos with a certain tag term. Let's say you want to show all videos related to Surfing on your website. In addition, you want your website to be automatically updated whenever a new video is uploaded with the tag term Surfing. By using the snippet below, you can do this!

Tip: You can replace the word Surfing above to a tag term of your choice.

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