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June 28, 2024

June 09, 2024
Greetings to all followers of Tuberculosis; the site has updated!
This update brings...
  • Feature This!: Send videos you would like to see featured on the home page to the staff team.
  • Detailed View: View the description of videos, all from the Browse page
  • Channel Portals: See what the top and newest videos are on a certain Channel.
  • Better FAQ: The Help section of the site has been updated with a bit of more information.
  • Tagged Video Display: videos_list.php (the videos box embed described in the Sharing FAQ) now has the option to sort and display specifically tagged videos.
  • Revamped Homepage: The home page now has a scroller view for recently viewed videos, and the stats display has been updated.
  • Subscriptions: You can now subscribe to people's channels and see their latest uploads all from Tubelious, as opposed to subscribing to RSS feeds.
  • Profile Stats: Stats are now shown in user profiles, so others can now see your subscriber count, and how many times your profile has been viewed.
  • RSS is back: Vulnerability on the RSS feed script has been fixed, enough said.

May 28, 2024
May 28th 3:15 AM UTC:

stop mass reuploading holy shit


May 03, 2024

Update, again? Yup!

  • New watch page
  • Video channels: Categorize your videos and browse through videos pertaining to specific topics in an easier way
  • Video flagging: Mark videos as inappropiate or miscategorized and let the moderation team know of rule-breaking content

May 01, 2024
click this it's totally fair and not mean to everyone else

April 30, 2024

Today is update day

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added rough star rating system
  • Recently viewed videos now show up on the homepage

April 29, 2024
Tubelious is back, official rehost. -xproot

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